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29/09/24 - hello world!! (+updates)

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section 1: hello world!!

hello there folks! if you're seeing this then you can see my site! and I'm glad you can! this site has been sitting around for awhile and gotten many revisions but it hasn't gotten much use. I hope to change that! espically getting more usage of this blog! I'm hoping to use this site as a hub for all things I create as well as the blog for progress updates on what I'm working on and some thoughts about games, movies and other general blog things! I'm also considering using the blog section to make addendums for the Vivi!! review videos. I'm really proud and happy with the series but sometimes I miss stuff I wanna say due to wanting to avoid spoilers or maybe my thoughts change and grow overtime (such as my thoughts on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers has changed a bit now that I'm going for 101%. An addendum about how my thoughts have changed will be done once I have finished the big task of finishing all that game!). But enough about what's for the future, you're probably been wondering where I have been in the present!

section 2: where have I been?? (updates)

if you're reading this and you're not a friend of mine then you might be wondering "gee vivi, where have you been?" since I was on an streak of uploading a Vivi!! once per month and I haven't uploaded in two months.

this is because I've been jumping from side projects, mostly messing around with ideas, much of which haven't gotten far but I have came up with some concepts I'm hoping to workshop to be more. I'm also not sure when the next Vivi!! episode will be, but it should not be too far, hopefully before the end of the year!! The next video will most likely about the same length of the other Vivi!! episodes (8-10 minutes, possibly a little less) and will be on Downwell, an very cheap but jam-packed indie I've loved for some couple years. In the meantime, I have a shorter video in the same vein as moldy luigi vs tmbg flood and the noise finds his update in the works (well not yet "in the works", but it will be soon once I'm done with this site!). After I'm done with that I may mess with protoyping another idea I had in my head but we will just have to see where things go! I like to treat my creation process of doing things when I want to and how I want to, which I think has let me have a lot fun and freedom with creating stuff. I've learnt that my younger dream of wanting to only have 1 big consistent, long lasting series may not be what I want to do. I like making what I want, and I should do what I find fun. Speaking of doing what I want and not worrying if it's consistent...

section 3: an incoming rebrand!

introducing two exclamation marks (or 2!!M for short), the rebrand of the Vivi!! series! also: the logo above is a concept logo, it will be redone later on! the reason for the rebrand is due to me liking the current name but thinking it may be a bit too hard to find when looking up and it was somewhat weird to type and say Vivi!! in conversation (so I would call it "Vivi Two Exclamation Marks, which is where the new name came from!). also I think Two Exclamation Marks/2!!M sticks in your brain more! this rebrand will also be in tandum with me exprimenting with my aesthetic more (such as how the BOOM! Buster video usees the CRT I got eariler this year for certain shots!). I've noticed that as I've discovered my true self more and embraced my identity, I have exprimented with the things I create more, which I suppose is apporiate considering since before my transition in December 2023, I briefly identified as enby which was when I first put up this site and where a lot of stuff in the current version comes from that eariler version. Sadly a lot of this early version of the site is lost, including two blog posts, except for the index page! also I used to have a bee sona, which I came up with AFTER I put bee in my username surprisingly enough!

I suppose what I'm trying to say with all of this: create whatever you wanna make, and have fun doing it! and also, new stuff should be coming sooner or later. I'm not sure exactly when or what it all might exactly be, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do making it! this is vivi signing off!!

finished writing 29/09/24 2:21PM. minor edit made at 02/10/24 8:40PM | go back to blog directory | go to top