02/02/25 - new blog post + thing i forgot last time
a new (late) blog post about old pizza tower mods is up! give it a read here. this update also adds the old css mode to the first blog post since i forgot to upload the change last time even though i mentioned the change in the patch notes. oops!
vividotnet v4.2.1 patch notes
- fixed a mistake where i forgot to actually upload the updated html for the first blog post that made it display in old css mode. oops
- cleaned out the attic a little
31/12/24 - new blog post + site version 4.2
a new blog post recounting my favourite things of the year is up! give it a read here. also a major site update adding an old versions section as well as other changes/additions. patch notes below
vividotnet v4.2 patch notes
- added old versions section
- added "back to top" option to the bottom of blog posts
- made some small changes to the html of the old pages since the hyperlinks were messed up
- changed the first blog post so it now appears in old css mode
- removed the picture from the about me section since its a bit outdated
- fixed some inconsistent formatting for the "post written at" section of blog posts (used || to seprate hyperlinks instead of a single |)
- fixed error in blog directory html
- updated 404 page
- fixed infinite money glitch
29/12/24 - site version 4.1.1
a minor site update to fix some mistakes and add some small things
vividotnet v4.1.1 patch notes
- fixed some inconsistent capitalization on the links page and the previous patch note. sorry that took me so long to spot :P
- fixed a bit of inconsistent formatting in blog post headers
- updated the site backgrounds to change the palettes a bit
- updated news section posts to have ids so hyperlinks will jump to specific posts
9/12/24 - site version 4.1
the site has been updated! a new links section has been added as well as this news page you're reading right now! some other stuff has also been fixed and adjusted, full patch notes below
vividotnet v4.1 patch notes
- added links section
- added news section (you're reading it right now!)
- added "background-attachment fixed" to the vdb.css. the background should follow your screen now instead of repeating
- moved site-important assets (the background and border sprites) to neocities instead of hosting them on file garden in case it ever goes down
- fixed a bunch of inconsistent capitalization (blog posts haven't been touched as i want to keep them as-is)
- index page title is now "vividotnet" to be more consistent with the rest of the site branding
- news section on the index page is now called 'latest news'
- fixed a typo in the index page + added a little more to it
- the blog and news section now have a different coloured border and new background since their pages are formatted differently
- in vdb.css all the blog related stuff (blog and blogheader) have been renamed to alt (alt and altheader)
- removed 'bloglist' style from vdb.css since it wasn't used
- page backgrounds are now handled by html instead of vdb.css so they can be easily swapped out
- fixed some misc html stuff
- removed herobrine
14/11/24 - site overhaul and a new blog post
what you're looking at right now is vividotnet version 4! It's a bit more basic but I think it looks nicer! There is also a new blog post up called "the hatwomann's lament". give it a read!